Monday, January 10, 2022

How to know you need a new hairstyle and other tips for January.

 Cleaning up and clearing out always happens this time of year.  While tidying up in the craft room, I found this list scrawled in a notebook.  I'm pretty sure I wrote this while I was waiting for a train or a bus. 

You know you need a new hairstyle when...

  1. Your Mum says "I like how you've done your hair today!"
  2. Your Nana tells you that your hairstyle makes you look "very smart".
  3. You can't see anything because your hair is in your eyes.
  4. Your mates are calling you Rapunzel.
  5. People compare your hair to that of any bloke famous for being in a band! 
I'm guessing if you experience 1 and 2 you probably aren't experiencing 3, but it's possible.  Meanwhile this was a good reminder to book in a hair cut before school goes back! Eek. 

What else do I want to get done this month? 

  • Clean out my wardrobe, 
  • Tidy up my bedroom, 
  • Declutter and Donate DVD's and other items I am not using anymore. 
  • Get some workouts planned out and ready to go.
  • Exercise.
  • Get all those medical check ups and check ins done- you know the dentist, the optometrist, the chemist and the vet. 
Wish me luck!