Friday, November 1, 2019

Great Reasons to Exercise Regularly at Home

We all know that physical activity is important to being healthy. We all know that a balanced diet, exercise and certain lifestyle choices contribute to good health.  The truth is, I have always struggled to include exercise in my daily routine because I don't love it.  I like it even less since my medical condition set in and I have chronic pain.  I wake up with pain, I go about my day in pain and I go to bed in pain.  I have pain all the time. Sometimes, I find it hard to get out of bed, shower, get dressed or even eat.  You can imagine that when these things are so difficult, physical activity of any kind is practically impossible.  
The thing is, too much inactivity can cause me more pain because my muscles get stiff.  The same goes for too much exercise.  If I exercise beyond my limits, I get too sore to move and then I get stiff again. Exercise, for people like me, is a balancing act.  I have to remind myself that it's worth it and it's important.  So, let's get to it. 

  1.  It's good for your health!  Even if it doesn't feel like it.
  2.  Fun! You can make it fun. Use TV show workouts, like this one from Pinterest, or dance workouts like this one from Cocolime Fitness (specially designed for beginners and people with chronic illness). You can walk, run, play a team sport or swim.  Find something fun that you will enjoy and make it part of the weekly routine as well as your home work outs. 
  3. It doesn't have to be hell to have an impact!  In fact, you will see better and more lasting results if you complete a low impact 10 minute workout everyday, instead of a one hour workout three times a week.  
  4. It's a great stress reliever.  Exercise releases endorphins (they are happy hormones) and forces you to take some time out from work, adulting and all the stuff. 
  5. Stretching is dessert for your body.  We often spend time sitting at desks or on couches for long periods and we need to stretch our muscles.  Every exercise routine should include at least some stretching. If you are doing it right, it should feel good. 
  6. It can be free.  You don't have to spend anything to get some movement into your daily routine.  There are several YouTube channels that step you through simple workouts.  You can improvise an exercise mat with a few towels or use a chair to help you balance. Small canned foods can be used as weights.  Alternatively, a walk around the block is totally free.  You don't need a treadmill or big bulky equipment.  Small dumbells, yoga mats, foam rollers, resistance bands and exercise balls are reasonably priced if you know where to shop, so you can build up your equipment as you go. 
  7.  You can do it anytime.  As I mentioned earlier, YouTube means that you can attend various exercise classes at home anytime it suits you. In fact, Cocolime Fitness is the main reason I have been able to maintain an exercise regime over the past year. When I get home from work, I can turn on a video and get my exercise with little fuss.  If I feel like exercising in the morning, I don't waste time travelling to the gym or the pool.  
  8.  You can wear whatever you want! You don't have to look cute! I started exercising in my oldest pair of track pants or shorts and t-shirt.  Now I have some clothes that are a little more practical and look a bit cuter.  I love that it doesn't matter how I look when I exercise in my studio at home.  It's just me and my cat.  
  9. Nobody is watching!  Woohoo. It doesn't matter if I mess up.  I can stick my bum in the air, modify the moves, even 'fart' if I need to, all without worrying what anybody thinks. This makes it so much easier to focus on the business of holding in my abs or breathing.  

There you go people.  Exercise is important and I'm so glad I can do it at home.  Okay, time to get off the couch and do something good for myself.  
Until we meet again!