Friday, November 2, 2018

Goal Check In for October...

When we last "checked in" with the goals, I told you that I was struggling with everything. School was super busy (you know the cape thing) and I was dragging myself toward the 2 week semester break.  I was even eating ice cream again! I resolved to use my holidays to get back on track.  I didn't travel or leave the house unless I had to, so it was nice to just 'reset'.  

I went to a birthday party for a one year old little girl, met up with a couple of friends and I went to the city to see my specialist.  In between all of that, I slept and made cards and just chilled out.  I also did some great decluttering - like therapeutic levels of decluttering - and watched quite a few videos. I will tell you more about that another time. 

Back to the goals... Let's Review

1. Prioritise my Evening Routine.
2. Eliminate Soft Drink from my diet.
3. Complete a Bible Activity and Pray Everyday.
4. Stretch- Daily

These were 4 specific actions that I wanted to work on to eventually reach my overarching goal (one which I think will be ongoing). 

In 2018 I will be the healthiest and happiest version of myself by making good choices for my body, my soul, my mind and my relationships. I will do my best with what I have and be grateful for abundant blessings. 

To be perfectly honest.  I think that I have not been the healthiest version of myself this year.  I would say that a huge chunk of this year I have been quite unhappy.  I have been really tired.  Medication changes and huge changes in my workplace have made it difficult to be the happiest and healthiest version of myself.  Hence, the struggle! 

Over the two week 'vacation' I reviewed my routines and worked on developing new ones which I have practiced and I'm working on them.  This includes my evening and bedtime routine.  It's on the right track.  One day, I might be able to tell you that I've got it down! 

I'm stretching everyday!  I use  the CocoLime Fitness YouTube Channel and choose one of the stretch videos OR I do some basic stretches on my own in between activities.  Click here to see what I have written about this channel before.  Sometimes, at work, a quick stretch for my shoulders and neck are exactly what I need. On the upside, my recent visit to the physio showed that my stretching is really helping my joints and my muscle strength.  FINALLY! Something is working! 

I feel like I have turned a corner. Some kind of switch has been flicked inside my head, inside my body, inside my heart. I will tell you more about that another day.  I might not be the happiest and healthiest version of myself yet... but I finally feel like I'm on the way!  

Hang in there... Keep going!