Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Night in the life of Insomnia

Happy New Year!

There are a large number of people in this world who rely on prescription medication for various ailments, one of which is insomnia.  I am one of the people who take little green pills (or to be precise half a little green pill) every night so that I can get what is supposed to be a decent night's sleep.  They used to be a marvellous little wonder, and I have to say that 6 months ago, they would have made the list of 'My Favourite Things."  But in recent months and weeks, the effectiveness of the little green pills has waned.  It seems that the only way for them to work is if every other aspect of my sleep routine is executed with precision.  Needless to say, Christmas and New Year events have made it difficult to "get with the program" so to speak.  Why am I telling you this?

Completed the "Impossibles" Christmas Puzzle
that the BFF started the week before Christmas
Last night I planned a quiet and relaxed evening with my "besties."  The BFF is house and dog sitting for some church friends and they have a pool and a big TV.  So the plan was a swim, a couple of movies and bed.  However, my body (specifically my neck) decided that it didn't like that idea.  So I had to bail on the girlfriends and stay home.  I planned to eventually drag myself off the lounge and have a shower, eat something light and head off to bed well before midnight.  Best laid plans... the sleep routine was not executed with precision, the little green pills did not work and I didn't go to sleep until around 3am.  While you might be thinking, so what? I would like to inform you that surprisingly enough I managed to finish a few things that I had started earlier in the day/ week/ month!  You might be wondering how I did this considering I was "apparently" off to bed early and in pain.  Well the answer to that, my friend, is slowly!!!  I tried to go to sleep several times during the night but if there weren't fireworks exploding down the road there was the unsteady, dcsh-dcsh-dcsh- of the music being played next door.  Eventually I would give up and go back to my puzzle, a dvd, the laptop, or a book.   

Braided my hair all by myself!
then took a photo of the back of my head all by myself!
I took photos and I believe I should allow them to speak for themselves, "a picture is worth a thousand words" as they say.  I also finished reading "Diary of a Wimpy Kid, The Ugly Truth" which was a Christmas present, Thanks Mum!
Killed a fly!
Are you proud of me Mum?

While my New Years didn't go according to plan (does it ever?) it turned out okay.

Well, maybe not for the fly. : D

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