Friday, December 31, 2010

Favourite Things of 2010

This year I have rediscovered a few of my old favourites in the food department.  Of course food isn't the only important part of my life!  I have other things, like friends and work and Church and music.  So here is the list( in no particular order) of my favourite things as of 31 December 2010.  Happy New Year Everyone!
1. Choc-mint icecream!
2. Skinny Cow ice cream (yes that's the real name!)
3. Vanilla thickshakes
4. Pizza
5. The BFF's lasagne!
6. My new home
7. Do I Really have to teach reading? (the instructional manual for my job)
8. The crazy friend/ Mrs Honeysweet my teaching partner
9. Colouring in (a new favourite past-time)
10. My hair, I got a perm! don't laugh, it suits me!
11. Classical music
12. My new church
13. Tracky Dacks (tracksuit pants)
14. My phone (a phone, camera and an mp3player all in one!)
15. Gerbras

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