Monday, December 13, 2021

Now it's December

 Christmas is upon us and the last three months have been hard! Let's focus on December. 

1 December - Grandma was Promoted to Glory (that means she died). 

3 December - Mum retired... talk about a party.

7 December - Ice cream day - Dad's birthday. 

9 December - My birthday... a celebration of how long the world has had my presence.  LOL. 

I think I might be losing my mind because I keep forgetting that I've done things or haven't done things.  My memory is certainly not what it used to be.  Of course, my memory always left a little to be desired.  You know, how I remembered every word of the "Sound of Music" film but couldn't remember anything about the science exam or the paperwork I had to complete for the work! 

Next week, we are going to Biloela for a family Christmas.  I'm not actually looking forward to it, yet.  I think I will, just not today.

Stay tuned, there will be more, one day.