Friday, April 17, 2020

2020 Goals Quarterly Check-in

Time to check in on the goals I made back in January.

I will LEARN something new every week : I have learned so much already this year.  I learned new systems, new rules, student names, and my new school.  I reckon I could list at least 20 things I have learned this year and we are only 15 or so weeks into the year.  Does that mean I can go for two weeks without learning anything... wouldn't that be good?!  Anyway, this one gets a tick so far.  

I will IMPROVE my Excel Spreadsheet Skills: I am finding it a bit overwhelming having to learn the best ways to use Microsoft Teams, WebEx and One Note.  Excel has been on the back burner.  I have some good people around me who can help, though.  I have already learned how to use Excel to calculate the Mean and Median of a data set.  Good thing too, considering I had to teach my class how to do it! 

I will AVOID making old mistakes; I'm not really sure what this goal was actually about.  It could be a bunch of things.  You know what, this could be a whole blog post all of its own.  I've made lots and lots of mistakes all of which I want to avoid.  

I will MAKE TIME FOR exercising at least 4 times a week:  Hahahaha!  I am generally managing three times a week.  I am planning to exercise everyday while I'm on my Easter break.  Hopefully, that will help me transition to 4 times a week when school goes back (whatever that looks like).  

I will ORGANISE my Work and Personal Spaces: I started out brilliantly on this one.  My filing system was easy to keep up with and my craft room was staying tidy.  Even my bedroom has stayed tidy (because it's organised).  Marie Kondo really made a difference at my house.  

I will EMBRACE the CHANGE.  I had NO IDEA what I was saying when I chose this goal.  I thought that starting a new job at a new school, and teaching a subject I have never taught before would be all the change I could handle.  Then, the pandemic came to Australia.  Everything has changed.  I really miss hugs.   

I will BE my BEST self!  I'm doing the best that I can.  That's all I have to say about that. 

Join us next time.  No promises, because, who really knows what the future holds.  I certainly don't. 

Stay home!