Friday, June 7, 2019

One Word Resolution Update

In case you haven't heard, I jumped on the bandwagon of #oneword365 this year.  That means this year, instead of a list of New Year's Resolutions and failing miserably, or only accomplishing some of them, I chose one word.  That's right, just one word which helps me make decisions and motivates actions.  You can read more about my 1word365 journey here.  You read about the movement here.

My word is "Pause" and I have to say, I'm killing it!  The whole point of my word is to make sure I take the time I need before I act or speak.  I stop, with the purpose of starting again and doing it well.  I rest when I need to.  I exercise when I need to - which helps me manage my chronic pain so makes it easier to face the world - and I stop when I need to, so I can think about my next move, my next word and where it will take me.

This year, I have faced some challenges, as we all do, however; I have also had a great year.  By the time you read this, we will be drawing close to the middle of 2019 and I have to say it's one of my best year's ever.  I feel calm.  I feel in control of my actions (and when I don't feel in control, I am self aware enough to know it and I implement strategies for handling myself).  This one word, has had a huge impact.

The power of the pause is quite incredible.  Sometimes, a pause is only a moment or two, at other times it's a day or more.  Regardless of how long the pause is, the purpose is usually the same: it's a chance to ask yourself a question or two.  The first of which is, "How do I feel about this?", "Do I really want or need to ….?" The dot dot dot changes almost every time.  Sometimes I ask myself if I'm really hungry or if I really want the consequences of eating that piece of cake (or insert other unhealthy food).    I ask myself if I really want to say 'that'.  I ask myself if IT'S really worth it.  The IT changes too.  The Pause is totally worth my time and effort because it usually means that in the long run I avoid more effort or disappointment or frustration.

I had planned on sharing ways to 'be creative' with your one word.  Having images or words that represent your word and keeping them in front of you, can help you to actually use it.  I don't use that.  Surprisingly.  I wish I could.  So, today I decided to share the fact that it is really working for me.  My one word has made a difference in my work life, my health, my relationships and even in my finances.  It's so worth it.

Enjoy my Friends