Friday, April 5, 2019

A Great GIft I didn't want OR Tips for Journalling

Last year, I was given a thoughtful gift.  This sensible, practical and beautiful gift was given to me by a dear friend.  It was one of those, "thank you" gifts that was such a kind gesture and so kind, it just isn't working so well for me.  You see, it was the most beautiful journal.  It's a blush pink colour with a silver embossed peacock on it.  It's stunning.  It's almost too nice to write in.  

Anyone who knows me, would think this was the perfect gift. It's true that I LOVE stationery.  I especially love pretty stationery.  I love buying these things and having them on my shelves.  Unfortunately, I'm not so good at using pretty stationery.  It's too pretty to use.  Okay, I've gotten over that hurdle.  The purpose of this journal was to write down blessings, and prayers, and answers to prayer, and things I have learned by living God's word. Only, I'm not good at journaling in a book.  

I like to share my experiences with strangers on the internet.  I can write to a schedule because I think people will be reading it.  When I have to pull out a pretty journal to write in, I feel the need to write neatly! I'm too tired to write neatly, ever.  I also feel like I need to write something profound.  I forget to write in the journal.  When I do remember to write in the journal, I realise it's been a few weeks since I wrote in the journal and then I feel bad that I haven't written in my journal.  

So, thanks for the guilt trip, my dear friend!! 

If you want to keep a journal I recommend: 

1. Write in it whenever you can, but don't beat yourself up if it's not everyday. 
2. Journals don't have to be made of paper. A private blog or journaling app are just as good. 
3. When you don't know what to write, use journaling prompts. 
4. Write anything- your journal can be a mish mash of lists, poetry, quotes, stories, captions, ideas, memories and dreams. 
5. Break the rules because your journal is yours and that means there are no rules.  You can write whatever you want, whenever and however you want too. 

If you are going to have a journal, make it work for you.  It's a good idea to make a regular time each day (or week) to write in it, but if you can't manage that, just do it when you can.  Don't let anything scare you or stop you.  Your journal is for you, so just do it.

Happy Journaling, my friends!