Saturday, October 28, 2017

One Day Late...

Okay, so it's Saturday.  I have been a busy lady. I wanted this post to be so much more, then I decided that if waited any longer to find the time I need to make this perfect, it would be next week before I got it done.  The plan was, to show you some of the cards I have been making lately.  There have been quite a lot.

What have I been doing? Wednesday was our school's Parent/Teacher Interview Evening.  I was unable to attend for various reasons.  This meant that I had to contact the parents of the students in my class and offer them the opportunity for a 10-20 minutes phone call regarding the academic progress, behaviour and effort in my class.  This is sometimes a nice chat about a great student.  Unfortunately, I have found that most of the nice kids have nice parents and they know you are a busy person and as long as things are going okay, they don't want to waste your time.  The parents of the children who are not very nice OR are struggling fall into two categories.
1. They know their kid struggles and they don't want you to tell them again so they don't even respond to your messages.
2. They know their kid struggles and even though they have been to every interview every year and asked the same questions they still want you to meet with them.  They still want you to fix their child.  They want you to give them a different answer.

Parent Teacher Interviews are exhausting.  I'm sure it is difficult for the parents too.  I don't know, as I am not a parent.  I just know that I feel tired after.  Sometimes it's a good reason that I'm tired, like I have been excited to talk to a parent who truly cares for their child, doesn't make excuses, respects me and my colleagues, wants to work with me and has my back.

I think I'm exhausted because talking to a virtual stranger: tell them what can sometimes be the hard truth about their child, gain their respect, advise them on educational issues, listen to their stories about siblings and work and how hard life is, then remind them that you are here to see their child succeed. That's hard... it takes effort, restraint, a sense of humour, tolerance, patience and kindness.  It takes a lot of thought and energy.

So, if you are friends with a teacher, and they tell you it's Parent/ Teacher night, Hug them.  Cook them dinner.  Give them space.  Let them have a nap.  Forgive them if they don't want to go out and party.  Cut them some slack.  I know you did that during Report Card season, and Beginning of the Year season too.... but, you know what.... just be nice to your Teacher Friends ALL THE TIME!  They need it.  They deserve it!  They will love you for it!

Happy Teachers Day
for yesterday, everyone!!! 

Next Week: I promise there will be cards.