Thursday, September 22, 2011


I was just on my morning walk at 11 am (guess who slept in!).  This morning I took a different pathway, I used to walk that way nearly everyday, but not lately.  As I was strolling along admiring the gorgeous flowers that have blossoms and enjoying the lovely breeze I realised that this is the September holidays! 

Well, Der!

This is a big deal because, this time last year I was commencing an eight month leave of absence from my work.  This got me thinking.  It is a whole year since then and what has happened in that time?

  1. I can walk for 20 minutes with relative ease.  This time last year, I would have needed a 2 hour lie down  after an adventure like this morning! 
  2. I am looking forward to going back to work.
  3. The teacher who replaced me last year, a good friend, passed away only last week.
  4. My sister is pregnant.  OMGGM!
  5. The kids are attending a different school!
  6. Mum is better...
  7. Dad is okay.
  8. I am way fitter, happier and calmer.
  9. The BFF has gone away (she went away this time last year too, so I'm not sure how that is different).
  10. Nanny was here, but she isn't visiting this year :(
  11. I write a blog now!
  12. My relationship with Jesus is 100% better!  I am spiritually healthy! 
  13. I am reading for pleasure again.
  14. I am looking forward to the return of Beauty and the Geek (sorry, I'm addicted)!!!
  15. I'm hungry (nothing's changed on that score!)
How Bizarre!!! :)