Friday, March 13, 2020

Technical Difficulties

Well, so much for being organised and planning ahead!

I planned out the whole year of blog entries back in January, then I wrote about five posts.  Ahead of schedule heading into the school year and ready to go. No sweat.  Then, about two weeks ago, my laptop went to sleep and hasn't woken up again.  I need to get it fixed, which is proving more difficult than it should be.  The devastating realisation that my blog planner was saved on my laptop hard drive didn't arrive until a week later.  Hence, I have no idea what I'm supposed to be blogging about today! 

Of course, the technical difficulties don't stop there.  My year 12 students were supposed to submit the first part of an assessment task last week.  The paperless society we live in means that they have to submit it through a great software program called Turnitin.  Let me just say, that there is nothing wrong with this software/ online tool, it's great.  It works well and is a huge timesaver for teachers and students.  However, my account (which is supposed to be set up through the school) has not been set up properly.  My students have not been assigned to me (something I can't do myself) and there are a bunch of students added to the class list who aren't even in my class!!  This means that I can't check the work or my students because I can't access the online tools which they are required to use to submit their work.  I asked the students to email me their assignment as well, but some of them haven't followed through.  On top of that, our Online Teaching Program is undergoing maintenance this weekend (hopefully this will fix the problems making it difficult for me) so students can't access the tools and neither can I. 

Do I really want to plan ten months of blog posts... again?!  Not really.  However, as we have learned in the past, not planning ahead doesn't seem to go well for me.  So, I suppose I better stop rambling about my technology woes and start getting organised. 

Feel better, at least you're not the only one who has IT issues.  I know you have them too.  Was life so much simpler before technology took over?  or is it just me? 

Y'all come back now, you hear?