Monday, December 30, 2019

One word Reflection Time

The end of 2019 is very near and it's time to reflect on the rollercoaster of an awesome year. First, let's talk about my One Word 365 journey.  I started the year with a 'Resolution' of Just One Word - Pause.  I had some thoughts about how this would impact my life and certain actions that would work towards Pausing in real life.
For me, the word Pause was about stopping to think before I said or did things as well as giving myself permission to stop or even move away from things if I needed to.  It was about self-control and rest.  It's important to remember that "Pause" doesn't mean quit.  "Pause" implies a brief moment of stopping with the intention to start again.

This year has been amazing!  I'm not saying there weren't times that were hard, there were certainly difficult moments and painful times.  I managed that pain and difficulty better than before. I took the time to rest when I needed to and I made decisions based on consideration and prayer.  For the most part, my relationships have been such a blessing and I feel like interactions with others have been so much more positive this year.  Maybe this was the result of a choice to stop and think before I spoke, or maybe it was the choice I made to not worry about others opinions of me.  Maybe it was a result of the fact that I was well rested (in general) so I was kinder and calmer.  What I do know is that I am happy and healthy and this year was the best in my career and my spiritual life.

Thank you for sharing my One Word Journey with me this year.  If you want to learn more about the One Word 365 movement, check this out.

More to come, before the year is out.