If you want to learn more about the "One Word 365" movement you can click here. If you want to read more about my One Word 365 journey, click here. My word for this year is PAUSE.
The Pause thing... is working really well for me! I am loving the time I get to spend reading my Bible and praying. I am generally more positive, encouraging and kind when I'm speaking. I was never really nasty or mean when I spoke, but I'm more encouraging and I feel more positive.
When making choices around what to eat, I have been trying out different times and different foods that help me to make good choices. Recently, I set a notification on my phone for 8:35am everyday to remind me to eat a piece of fruit. I know I will have a better day if I eat a piece of fruit at this time. I won't get hungry until lunch time, so I don't get cranky or distracted in class. It is a great boost and I start out making good choices so I tend to continue that throughout the day. The notification says "banana" or "apple" or "orange" so the decision is made for me. I don't have to think about it. Nice. Eating the piece of fruit, forces me to pause for a few minutes in my morning and just breathe... and eat. :) This piece of fruit isn't my breakfast, by the way, it's my morning snack. I eat breakfast at 5:30am, so if I don't eat before school starts, I am Hangry by lunch time.
My deliberate rest breaks and regular exercise (almost everyday) is starting to pay off. I feel better and stronger. People are noticing that I look healthier. My doctor and my physio are noticing improvements in my strength and endurance. I need less pain medication to manage a normal day.
I've realised that the most important part of this "One Word" thing, is forgiveness and persistence. I sometimes have bad days. I say stupid things because I forget to pause, or I make bad choices because I don't stop to think about it. The important step is to not give up. Instead, acknowledge the mistake, determine to do better next time and set up strategies to make success a little easier.
What strategies do you use to maximise your exercise or 'me' time? What strategies help you to make healthy food choices? I love to read comments, so please let me know!
That's that then...
See you next week!