Friday, December 21, 2018

This is Christmas?

So, this is Christmas

We all look around at his time of year for something magical.  Unless of course we are a mother or wife or self-appointed elf; then we are too busy trying to create something magical. 

In 2016, I determined to make Christmas extra special because I knew it would be the last one my father would spend with us.  I was right, of course, because he died only a few weeks after Christmas.  He didn’t want to miss out on the presents! I ask you, what do you buy a dying man?  No, really, I’m asking. I cannot for the life of me remember what I gave him.  I decorated the house, wrapped presents, made a scavenger hunt for the kids and helped put together an elaborate table setting with my mother.  All the while, caring for my dying father.  I don’t know how I managed to buy and wrap all those presents, either. 

In 2017, I was also determined to make Christmas special, because it was the first one without Dad.  I made sure to decorate, I helped Mum gather table centres and settings to take to my sister’s house.  I got hydrated and went Christmas shopping, then I came home and wrapped everything.  I bought gifts for everyone including the pets.  Especially, Shelly!

Oh no- I just remembered a pair of cats who I forgot to buy gifts for!  I usually make their gifts.  I’m not sure I have it in me this year. 

In 2017, I was hell bent on creating new traditions and I worked at making the holiday meaningful, Christ-centred, spent with family and fun.  I tried my level best to make it easier for me and my mum to not just survive it but enjoy it.  I did okay.   

This year, I am tired.  I want Christmas to be practical and pretty.  I want Christmas to be meaningful, on a whole new level.  I don’t want to waste money on junk or items that no one really needs.  I am also a little bit sad.  In a way, doing Christmas without Dad is harder this year.  I don’t know why.  My sister doesn’t want us to buy ‘crap’ for Christmas.  Those were her actual words.  Yes, thank you, I buy crap for my nieces and nephews.  That’s what you think of all the gifts I have purchased over the years for them.  Don’t get me started on my sister. 

This year, I have gone Christmas shopping and bought a few small items for my nieces.  I am giving money to my older nephews and nieces as per their requests.  I bought a few things for myself and told my Mum she can wrap one of them and put it under the tree if she likes.  I am giving my mother an experience – sounds scary, doesn’t it.  I decided it was time to start another new tradition.  I will tell you more about that, a little closer to Christmas.

What’s that you say?  It’s only 4 days until Christmas.  Wait, what? 3 days until Christmas?! No, it can’t be!

Um, I gotta go.

Christmas Love