I'm not showing off. It seems like I might be, but that isn't really my intention. I'm just amazed at what I have done. I often look at my day to day life and what my friends are doing then think that I am somehow missing out. I think that maybe I should be having more new experiences and... living more. Sometimes, it is hard to "live" new experiences and getting through the day is enough. Sometimes I need to remember that. This little exercise in looking at what I have actually experienced isn't about saying, "look at me, aren't I great?" it's about saying, "I have done some cool stuff and I have experienced things that others only dream of... aren't I lucky?"
Today, I'm showing you the ticks on the bucket list for which I am truly grateful. These experiences didn't seem all that special to me until I saw them on Pinterest and remembered that many have not had the blessed life that I have.
Not only have I done this several times as a child on my own, I have built forts with my nephews and nieces and had a blast! One school holidays, my mum helped my sister and I built a huge blanket fort that stayed up for two weeks! We could see the TV from inside it and had all sorts of fun. She even let us sleep in it at night time. |
Living on the coast of Queensland, I often forget that many people don't get to do this until they reach adulthood. I have seen the ocean more times than I can count. |
A group of people from my church went to see the filming of Family Feud in the early 1990's.
I was about 7 or 8 years old. We were the studio audience for a week's worth of episodes. |
I have done this three times. I seem to remember a school camp,
a holiday with my grandparents and a day trip with some friends. |
Technically, I didn't swim with the dolphins, they swam around me while I stood thigh deep in the ocean and fed them with our latest catch of small fish. These particular dolphins often swam right up to the boat ramp to say hello to the tourists. |
We went whale watching on a family holiday when I was about 10 or 11 years old. Mum, Dad, my sister and I took photos of these small ridges in the distance. I remember it was fun to been away from everything and have the undivided attention of both my parents. That was more fun than trying to spot the whales. |
We got a free upgrade when flying from Brisbane to Sydney once. My sister and I were very young, but it was still really cool. I have flown first class one other time as an adult. There was a national celebrity in the seat across the aisle from me. I didn't realise until the plane landed! I was too busy being pampered. |
I reckon I can fit the rest of the fun and frivolity into one more post, so stay tuned. You will soon be hearing about more travel and other random highlights of my life.