Last week I went to the hairdresser and got myself a perm. I was very pleased. The curls are quite small, but when it settles - and it is - they will be just right. At the end of the day, I'm the only one who has to like my hair, and I do. But, that is not all there is to it - this week. Everyone feels the need to say something about the big style change - the nephews and nieces are no exception. Here are some matter of fact words from Nephew number 4.
"M, your hair is really curly. You look ridiculous."
"Hey Dad, M looks ridiculous!"
My bro-in-law, smiled and shook his head. My sister laughed, "You gotta love that kid, he tells it as he sees it."
Ever the teacher, I informed my dear nephew that telling people they look ridiculous is unkind. I suggested that next time someone gets a new hair style that he thinks is silly, he could smile and keep it to himself.
This advice probably fell on deaf ears, but we will see.
Gotta Laugh

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