I follow lots of blogs. There are 62 blogs that I follow through
Google/ Blogger and then there are three or four Word Press blogs that I have
subscribed to via email. This adds up to
quite a bit of blog reading. I gave up
trying to keep up with this every day and now I clear a couple of hours once a
week to skim through the blog roll and I pop in to the ones that have something
new or particularly interesting to me. I
have noticed that while I have many blogs on the reading list, there are only a
few that I visit often.
Today I want to share one of my
The Clutter-free Classroom (CFC) is a
high traffic blog favoured and followed by every edu-blogger I know. CFC is mentioned often when I read about
classroom make-overs, back to school set ups and organisation of students/ furniture/resources. Jodi at CFC is a great inspiration and it doesn’t matter if
she has shared a clever idea, a thrifty tip, a flash freebie, a teacher time saver or
whatever, I click the link every time! I
also have to clear some time during my reading to explore the older posts on
this blog. CFC has been around for a few
years and I always learn something when I take the time to check it out.
If you are not a teacher, you can also
pop in to CFC because the tips for organising and de-cluttering work for the
home as well as the classroom.

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