What a delightful treasure trove I found!

The sad thing is, people don't tend to send postcards anymore. Why is that?
I used to love sending post cards and receiving them. When the BFF goes to Canada, I will have to demand some postcards. I might have to give her postcard money!
Among some papers and folders I also found some photos. I love photos! I found a few Santa photos from several years ago. The children were so small!! I also noticed things about them that I certainly hadn't noticed before. It's amazing how children look so content. There really is something magical about the innocence of childhood. Other than that, I found some photos of old friends. It was a bit of a spin out - you know a strange feeling- like travelling back in time. We were so young! I was surprised at how much I remembered just from looking at pictures. A simple photograph - or a dozen - sparked memories I had forgotten I had. Doesn't it seem silly.
Meanwhile, I'm typing this collection of random thoughts while sitting on my bed, surrounded by old photos, little boxes, school resources, papers and M'n'M's. Perhaps I should do something about tidying all this up.
Aside from a little dust, the top of my wardrobe is now clear and definitely less cluttered. So, mission accomplished. Although I'm not sure if it counts until the photos aren't scattered on the bed.
Cest la vie