The message of your 6 words, can change from day to day and with mood. The 6 words website offers a space for a daily 6 words. Here is a week's worth of 6 words from Me.
It's a Girl - I knew it!
(My sister gave birth to a healthy baby girl last week).
I just want to cuddle my niece.
Time for Bed, my little ones.
Ready or not- here I come!
(In order to give my sister and her hubby a chance to rest, we took some of the kids for the night. The other kids went to see grandparents too. We had a wonderful time playing hide and seek and building tall towers and face painting!)
Stop telling me what to do!
(This was actually the summary my Doctor gave of my recent little meltdown)
More work than time - so busy!
I think I'll take a nap!
That's that then. A week in 42 words.