Here's the poster!
Here's my Response!
The Best Book I've Ever Read?Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day! by Judith Voirst. It is not your average picture book.
Favourite kind of pizza?
Pepperoni, pineapple and roasted pumpkin with extra cheese. The pizza place always gets it wrong!
My idea of a perfect weekend?
Friday Night: DVD on the couch or Movies at Gold Class with friends.
Saturday: Sleep in - stay home and read in bed all day, with my cat. Maybe hang out with friends at night.
Sunday: Church and Lunch with family, reading in the afternoon (or a nap would be good).
What am I good at?
Reading, Playing the Drums, Talking (but not at the same time).
Best Bands on the Radio?
I like lots of different music and I don't really have a favourite band. I rarely listen to the radio, so I usually discover new music 5 years after everyone else.
What should more people know about me?
I love to laugh.
What can I teach you?
I can teach you the tricks of being a good student and help you make sense of what your Maths and English teachers are saying.
What do my friends call me?
Ms H - the most awesome teacher ever!!!!
That's that then.