M’s having a nap; Shelly
and I are having a partay!!
While M’s away the kitty
will play. We have been having a blast
browsing on the internet… and catching up with all of Shelly’s kitty
friends. As you can see…
M said I could blog as
long as I showed everyone a Shelly favourite.
The toy I’m going to show you today is actually one of my favourites too. I don’t play with it, I just watch M and
Shelly play with it and find the whole performance rather entertaining. It intrigues me to watch Shelly playing with what
must be one of her most loved toys and having such a marvellous time. She is mesmerised by this handmade toy (M
made it) and, to be honest, she goes a little nutty for it. Have you even seen a cat hide behind
furniture, dive under coffee tables, dance around in circles, run through
people’s legs then freeze like a statue before pouncing on… a PIECE OF STRING?!
I have, and I will tell
you it is hilarious.

Actually, the first time
it is hilarious, but after that it is kind of peculiar. It is especially perplexing when one realises
that Shelly must know that it is simply a piece of string. Shelly is rather bright so she must have
figured out that M is just dangling it in front of her, flicking it around,
hanging it from door handles, or just holding it and twitching every now and
then. Sometimes she drags it behind her
as she races through the house with Shelly in hot pursuit. Sometimes, she’s just carrying it from one room to another when
Shelly begins stalking her and attacks the string when M has finally dropped it
in the toy box. I love Shelly very
much. I wouldn’t let just anyone walk all over me like she does
(literally), but she can be a tad eccentric at times. I just don’t get it! I realise M made it for her and they love
each other and stuff. I get that Shelly
is still really a kitten. But, it’s a
piece of string. Is she serious?
Oh, yeah, I almost
forgot. M said I had to tell you that
she used two types of wool. One was a
multi-coloured knitting wool and the other was a plain tanned wool. She just tied a bunch of strands together and
plaited them before tying it up with another piece of string. She plaited the coloured one first then the
tanned one. It was as ‘simple’ as tying
the two plaited pieces together and that was that.
M calls it “the tail” because she thinks that
when it is lying on the floor and gets pulled around a corner the tanned plait
end looks like a lion’s tail twitching as the lion sleeps. I think I’m starting to see why Shelly and M
get on so well.
Seriously people…. It’s a piece of string.