In February I told you all about the activities we were doing at Junior Soldiers. I promised pictures of our Amour of God activities and I can finally deliver.
The children combined for Easter. I personally believe that the whole family should participate in Good Friday and Easter Sunday services, rather than sending the children out to 'Sunday School' groups. However, the Sunday School teacher at our church disagrees with me, so I gave the Junior Soldiers the option of staying in church with me or joining in with Sunday School (we call it JAM which stands for "Jesus and Me"). They chose JAM. I guess Peanut Butter just can't compete.
That was March and most of April. Last week we began our series on Prayer which will take us to Mothers' Day and then we will start with our next series... which I haven't decided on yet. The kids and I have really been enjoying our time together lately. I will tell you more about our activities and the Prayer Theme soon. For now, take a look at this touching video of kids telling you what they pray about.
Stay Tuned!